Ziaz Resources

ZIAZ Resources

Briding Future To You

About Us


Ziaz Resources

Ziaz resources is a 100% bumiputera company that runs the latest security systems business and in line with current technological circulation.

The company motto is ‘Bridging The Future To You’ and based on this motto we play a role in connecting the latest technology and best to the community as well as ensuring the product and the services provided are of high quality.

Ziaz Resources also has a technical team consists of highly qualified local worker as well extensive experience in this field of security systems.

We believe that with all the abilities, expertise and high commitment from us, Ziaz Resources will go further as a developed and highly capable company in the future.


Dignifying Ziaz Resources as a supplier of system products security that the product offers high quality as well as provide quality best service to our customer.

Committed to being a model and bringer of change to the industry safety system


Expand our business empire and business partners by offering high -tech and latest products.

Ensuring excellent service quality to our customers.

Able to provide innovative ideas and advice in ensuring the wishes and objectives of our customers are achieved.

To explore the security systems industry towards a more creative, innovative and proactive

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Projects Completed
Years of experience
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Organization Chart